Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting between the walls of a Magic Castle. Wherever you look, you see magic items, mystical relics and statues of magical creatures. Meanwhile, witches hurry around you and serve enchanting dishes and desserts in different colours, that you never dared to dream of. Then one goes to your table and puts down a smoking potion in front of you…
If you thought that this was only possible in your imagination or in the movies, then come and discover the first Magic Castle in Budapest, full of magic!
Before apparate to the Magic Castle, it is worth booking a table or inquiring about the available places by phone!
Ajándékozz egy varázslatos élményt!
Most nyerhetsz egy eredeti sorszámozott Nimbus 2000-es seprüt!
Lepd meg szeretteidet vagy barátaidat egy varázslatos élménnyel Budapest legvarázslatosabb helyén a The Magic-ben!
Ha most vásárolsz ajándékutalványt, részt veszel a december 20-ai sorsoláson, ahol egy Nimbus 2000-est nyerhetsz.